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  • Privacy
  • Customisation
  • Freedom
  • Where privacy, customisation and freedom define your laptop experience.

Privacy and security

NovaCustom respects your privacy and focuses on security. We are switching to Dasharo coreboot firmware for our laptops, which is open-source and security-focused. You can find the Dasharo coreboot models here.

We do not use Google Analytics. We use Signal and you can reach us via Protonmail. You can buy your laptop with Linux preinstalled. We setup your operating system with the most privacy-friendly settings. Even if we install Windows!


We build your laptop with the configuration you desire. This way, you can make exceptional configurations, such as a laptop with 64 GB of internal memory or a laptop with 4 TB of storage.

But the configuration options don’t stop at the hardware. The software options are very extensive, too. Whether you go for disk encryption, dual-boot, or no operating system at all – it’s entirely up to you.


In addition to the ‘configure it yourself’ concept, our service manuals allow you to maintain or upgrade your laptop yourself.

Install a new battery, increase the storage capacity or expand the memory. At NovaCustom, you can do this yourself. But we can take care of your device too if you prefer. Does it void the warranty? No, certainly not! Moreover, we are more than happy to assist you.

Windows, Linux or both

Whether you’re tied to Windows, a Linux lover, or someone who appreciates the best of both worlds. We offer you the freedom to choose your preferred operating system for your laptop.

Our extensive configurator allows you to customise your notebook with Windows or Linux pre-installed, or even both. No matter which choice you make, our laptops seamlessly work with both.


At NovaCustom you can get your laptop delivered with a personal touch. For example, we can deliver the laptop with your own logo engraved on the screen lid. In addition, we can apply a name engraving on the palm rest part.

We also make custom keyboards – choose one of the many available keyboard layouts, or create your own! An alternative to the Windows key? No problem, we’ll make it for you. And we do it with love.


Our laptops are built to last. We not only offer a 3-year premium warranty, but also provide 5 years of firmware update support. This guarantees stability for now and in the years to come.

Furthermore, we guarantee the availability of spare parts for up to 7 years after purchase. But that’s not all – We take the environment seriously when making business choices. For example, we reuse filling material and shipping boxes as much as possible.

Premium service

Good service does not stop after the sale. Of course we also hope you will never need it, but it’s good to know that NovaCustom offers you a 3-year warranty with a free return label. Warranty repairs are always completed within 5 working days.

You can also expect our praised service beyond the warranty period. Our reasonable prices of labour and spare parts ensure that you can enjoy your laptop for longer.

How we build

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million. Here you can find how we build a 14 inch NovaCustom laptop.

Personal advice

As the driving force behind NovaCustom, I bring passion for exceptional laptops, prioritising privacy, security, and customisation. As your trusted advisor, I’ll guide you through our range to find the perfect laptop.

Whether you value privacy, security, or customisation, I’m here to help. Let’s create a tailored solution for you to embrace the future of technology confidently.

Approved learning company

NovaCustom is an Approved Learning Company with SBB. We regularly have apprenticeships available.

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Our latest laptops

Barn with solar panels

Sustainable energy

Thanks to energy supply from a roof with as many as 85 solar panels, we use only sustainably generated electricity.

Laser engraving

Thanks to our laser engraving machine, your laptop will get an even more personal touch. Since our keyboards come in without imprinting, we can realise many keyboard layouts. Furthermore, we can engrave your own logo on the laptop lid or your name on the palm rest part. How cool is that? Customise your laptop with your own logo, just like the examples below.

Examples of laser engravings

Dasharo coreboot

Fast, secure and open source.

Open source

Firmware is the control software of the laptop itself. Almost all laptops come standard with Chinese firmware, whose source code is secret. How can you trust your laptop if its operation is secret? Security starts at the source, and that is the code: the source code. NovaCustom supplies coreboot laptops whose source code is published online.

Best-selling laptops


3mdeb is the company that develops Dasharo open source coreboot firmware. This firmware version not only enhances the user experience, but provides also impressive security features to protect your work and your privacy.

Qubes OS is an operating system that focuses on security. It is open-source and allows you to compartmentalise your digital life. The main developers help us with certification, to ensure full compatibility of selected models for now and in the future.

Our partner Blunix GmbH from Berlin in Germany provides consulting and 24/7 support services for Qubes OS. They assist enterprises and individuals in evaluating, installing, configuring and maintaining high security IT environments.

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